
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Top Six Ways to Stay Secure on Public Wi-Fi Networks

There are several precautions you can take to keep your data private while on a Wi-Fi network.


When you’re on the go, the perfect refresher is a quick coffee break at a spot that offers free Wi-Fi access for catching up on the latest news and emails with your smartphone, laptop or tablet.

But take care—hackers can target unsecured Wi-Fi networks to capture users’ passwords and gain access to financial accounts and other sensitive data. Earlier this year, the FTC warned Wi-Fi users to take precautions while using public Wi-Fi networks to surf the web.

Here are six easy ways to keep your data safe when you connect at the coffee shop:
  1. Protect yourself by avoiding credit card transactions while using unencrypted Wi-Fi hotspots—such as those offered free in many businesses and restaurants.
  2. It’s recommended that you send personal information only to web sites that you trust and that are fully encrypted (indicated by an https at the beginning of the address).
  3. Log out of the sites you visit, and turn off Wi-Fi connections when not in use.
  4. Yes, it’s a pain, but be sure to create a unique password for every site you use. In the event that a hacker does obtain your login credentials, this practice will limit their access to only one of your sites, not all of them.
  5. For added safety, install browser security add-ons or plug-ins on your device, and consider using a virtual private network (VPN) that adds encryption between your device and the Internet—even over unsecured networks.
  6. Finally, make sure your computer has the latest firewall software, security patches and software updates. Check with your IT administrator or computer manufacturer for more details.


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